List Revised 30 Nov 2011
The purpose of this article is to to provide a contents menu to aid speedy access to ALL the articles on this blog without having to waste too much time searching for older posts. I felt I needed to do this as I (myself) found it hard to find specific articles now that there are over 100 articles.
This menu lists all the individual articles under different headings.The sequence of this list (the headings and the articles) has been deliberately put together, this way and designed to be read from top to bottom, with each subsequent article relevant to what has been written before. Every item listed gives its own shortcut link (right hand side) direct to the specific article and page you want to read. Please click on the link you want to read. The full list of articles is as follows:
The purpose of this article is to to provide a contents menu to aid speedy access to ALL the articles on this blog without having to waste too much time searching for older posts. I felt I needed to do this as I (myself) found it hard to find specific articles now that there are over 100 articles.
This menu lists all the individual articles under different headings.The sequence of this list (the headings and the articles) has been deliberately put together, this way and designed to be read from top to bottom, with each subsequent article relevant to what has been written before. Every item listed gives its own shortcut link (right hand side) direct to the specific article and page you want to read. Please click on the link you want to read. The full list of articles is as follows:
Article Titles
Direct Link To Articles
Re: Against Faulty Evolutionary Thinking and Evidence For Creation (18)
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BBC Hardtalk Video. Strong Creationist Argument Against Evolution By John Mackay
Exposing The Flaws Of Traditional (But Faulty) Evolutionary Teaching But Giving Strong Evidence For A Creator and Creational Evolution PART 1
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Exposing The Flaws Of Traditional (But Faulty) Evolutionary Teaching But Giving Strong Evidence For A Creator and Creational Evolution PART 2
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Strong Evidence For a Global Noahic Flood As Shown By Rapidly Formed Rock Layers Spread Across Vast Areas
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Giant Sink Holes Suddenly Appear In China. From Yahoo News
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Evidence That Global Conditions (After Noah's Flood) Led To Ice Age
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How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark Landed?
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Black Parents White Baby Further Evidence Bible Can Be Trusted
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Evidence That Neandertal Men and Cavemen Lived In Bible Times and were human
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Evidence That Adam and Noah Really Did Live over 900 Years of Age
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Evidence For The Creation Model and For Speedy Evolution Process
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Astronomical Evidence For Creation and a Young Universe
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How Carbon Dating Actually Prove Creation, A Young Earth and a Global Noah's Flood
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Evidence To Disprove the Evolution of
Dinosaurs into Birds
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Why Dinosaurs Do Not Disprove, But Actually Prove the Bible
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Answers In Genesis Cautious Report re Alleged Noah's Ark Finding
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Noah's Ark Found Or a Hoax?
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UFO Sightings, Abductions etc Are They Evidence of Life on Other Planets (Aliens) or The Return Of Nephilim or Some Other Explanation?
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Re: Bible is Trustworthy, True and God Inspired. The Evidence (2)
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How The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The Inspired Inerrant Word Of God
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Why Most of Our Major Bible Translations Can Be Trusted
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Re: Becoming a Christian and Receiving Salvation (7)
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Why Jesus Is The ONLY Way To Heaven and How To Be Saved
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How To Be Truly Saved and Be Certain Of Going To Heaven
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What Is Repentance?
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Comparing How To Be Truly Saved (The Biblical Way) To The Nicky Gumbel (Of Alpha Courses) False Way
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Why True Believers Are Eternally Secure In Their Salvation
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The Significance Of The Scapegoat On Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
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How To Study The Bible and Why
Re: Seeking To Connect True Christians Together in Fellowship (3)
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An Attempt To Connect Local Believers Together (who use this website) Who Are Hungry For True Biblical Fellowship as opposed to False Fellowship Within the Ecumenical Groups
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Connecting True Biblical Christians Together In Fellowship
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What True Biblical Fellowship is and Why It is Vital We Live It, In These Last Days
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Re: Why We Should Support Israel (7)
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Why Christians Should Stand Up For Israel
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Present Day Israel Is A Nation Of Miracles, Created By God. The Overwhelming Facts!
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Has God Finished With The Jews And The Nation Of Israel?
What The Olive Tree of Romans11 Represents and How it Speaks of God's Plan For Israel and the Church
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Flotilla Illustrates An Actual Global Conspiracy Against God And His Purposes
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Is God Demonstrating His Love For Israel By Judging Nations Who Oppose Them? See this Video
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Letter From Jacob Prasch Revealing Some Truth About Palestine and Israel and What Is Really Going On
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Re: Biblical Truth Items (23)
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Fix Your Eyes Upon Jesus
How To Study The Bible and Why. Learning How To Avoid Deception
What True Biblical Fellowship is and Why It is Vital We Live It, In These Last Days
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Can we Really Love Each Other In The Way Jesus Commanded?
The Importance Of Combining Discernment With Love
Do Not Judge, But Watch Out For False Prophets, Matthew 7 Explanation
How To Handle False Teaching And Strange,Different Teachings
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Does Bible Teach Us To Love Ourselves?
Difference Between Joy And Happiness
Prophetic Ministry In These Last Days. How to Recognise True And False Prophecies
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Has God Finished With The Jews And The Nation Of Israel?
An Exhortation To Pastors or "Good Shepherds"
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Qualities Of True Biblical Leadership Compared To the False Teachers
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Clearing The Tables Of The Money Changers.
Is It Sin To Touch The Lord's Anointed? What Does Bible Say?
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Why We Should Expose The Tares of False Teaching In Our Churches
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No Longer Under Law But Under Grace. Exposition
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Why God Required Animal Blood Sacrifice, In The Bible?
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Reply To A Rabbi. Why There Can Be No Forgiveness Without Blood Sacrifice
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The Significance Of The Scapegoat On Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
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When Did Jesus Drink The Fourth and Final Passover Cup? The Mystery Truth Revealed
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Re: Eschatology - End Times (3)
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My Rapture and End Times Stance
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Re: Errors Of Experiential Christianity (11)
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Learning How To Avoid Deception By Showing How To Study The Bible For Truth, Rather Than Depending On Uncertain Experiences
Are Our Experiences More Important In Our Christian Faith Than knowing God through His Word?
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Wrong Understanding of “Not Under Law But Under Grace”
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Showing Why The (Experiential) Emerging Church Christianity is Apostate, Pagan, Babylonic and Catholic
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Answers To Questions On Why Emerging Church Teaching Should Be Rejected
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Would Fundamental Biblical Christians Have Crucified Jesus Too? (Hypothetically Speaking)
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Exposing Truth and Origins Behind Being Slain In The Spirit
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Babylonic , satanic Roots Of Psychology and Philosophy
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New Calvinism. Explaining And Exposing This Latest Ecumenical and Apostate Movement Which Is Taking The Church By Storm
Why We Should Expose The Tares of False Teaching In Our Churches
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Powerful Videos From Paul Washer (Revised 18 May 2010)
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Re: Heresy watch, Rise Of Apostasy, False Prophet Teachers, Globalism, Superficial Unity Within Political Religious Arena (45)
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Learning How To Avoid Deception By Showing How To Study The Bible
Bible NIV 2010 Version ALERT
Why Book Of Enoch Is A Fake, Alert
What Do You Think About BibleFresh Venture?
Prophetic Ministry In These Last Days. How to Recognise True And False Prophecies
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Qualities Of True Biblical Leadership Compared To the False Teachers
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Christian Protestant Denominations In 2010. Are They Now All Apostate? (Of Course Not). This Blog's Statement
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Why You cannot Trust Any Preacher Who Has Ecumenical Connections
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Information On The Seeker-Friendly Movement and Its Links, Why It Arose and How It Has Fallen From Biblical Christianity
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Are We Seeing True Church Revival In These Last Days
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Why Dominion and Kingdom Now Theology Leads The Church Down The Same Road To Apostasy As Pursued By Rome
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Why We Should Reject Rick Warren's Purpose Driven and PEACE Agenda
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Tony Blair courts US pastor Rick Warren in bid to unite faiths
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Tony Blair Faith Foundation, Rick Warren PEACE Agenda & One World Political Religious Government
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Latest News On Tony Blair Faith Foundation. How it is Progressing Towards Global Religious Unity
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Rick Warren Blinded By Toxic Poison
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British Government Supports Homosexual Lifestyle ABOVE Christians
What Is Common Purpose and How Does It Fit Into The Whole Scheme Of Things?
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The GIANT Global Conspiracy and the Scheme Of Things, Who Is In Control?
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Who Runs The World? An Investigation Into The Global Scheme Of Things. Completed Report (Revised)
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Are The Global Leaders Nephilim?
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The Promise Keepers Movement is Dangerous. Watch Out For It!
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Renovare, Promise Keepers. Dangerous New Ecumenical, New Age Movements Coming To Our Churches
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The Manhattan Declaration and Westminster 2010 Declaration. A New Globalised Ecumenical Movement Emerging
Background To Why The Twentieth Century Evangelical Church Became Apostate
Chronological Emergence Of The Apostate Church Over Last 100 Years
Ecumenical Christian Organisations and New-Age Christian Organisations To Avoid
The New Apostolic Reformation. Why We Should Be Concerned About It
New Calvinism. Explaining And Exposing This Latest Ecumenical and Apostate Movement Which Is Taking The Church By Storm
List Of (Probable) False Christian Leaders, False Christian Teachers and False Prophets (As Indicated By The Ecumenical or Heretical Organisations They Belong To)
As At 18 Dec 2010
List and Details On Other False Teachers and Prophets
Evidence Of Premier Christian Radio's Ecumenical and Catholic Links. Why They Can Be Dangerous
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Billy Graham's Demise Into Apostasy
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Showing Why The Bible Version "The Message" Is Blasphemous
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This is How Worldly The Church Is Becoming. Young Preacher Of The Year Competition
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Re-Emergence Of Armstrongism Cult
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The truth and Danger About The Word Faith Heresy Movement
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Why Word Faith Organisation is a Cult and is Detrimental To Your Faith, Mind And Soul
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Word Of Faith Deception. Everything You Need To Know On Video
Videos Exposing Word Faith Doctrine As Heresy
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Clearing The Tables Of The Money Changers.
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Is It Sin To Touch The Lord's Anointed? Who Are The Lord’s Anointed? What Does Bible Say?
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Why We Should Expose The Tares of False Teaching In Our Churches
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Re: Word Faith Heresy Preachers and Other False Teachers (6)
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Word Faith Preachers Are False, An Example
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Benny Hinn And His Shocking Letter Of Mammon Greediness
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Benny Hinn Wheelchair and Hypnosis Fraud Exposed
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Two Don Stewart's. One of Them Preaches Heresy. The Other is Sound
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Why You Should Avoid Jack Hayford
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Why I Can No Longer Endorse Any Of Watchman Nee's Books
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Re: Why The Catholic Faith Is Not A Biblical Christian Church (6)
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Why The Catholic Church is Not a Christian Denomination
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The Two Babylons. First Was Old Babylon and It's Religion. Then Came a Christianised Babylonic Empire
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Babylon Videos
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The Whore Of Babylon Revealed
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Peter Was Not The First Pope! Conclusive Historical Evidence Revealed and Matthew 16:18-19 Contextual Evidence
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When Did Jesus Drink The Fourth and Final Passover Cup? The Mystery Truth Revealed
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Re: How To Share With Other Faiths (1)
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Islam. How to share with Muslims
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Glad to see you back. I have missed you. Your work is REALLY important - you have helped me help others.
For some reason my google address is not appearing to send this under my name as usual. Anyway - I have been looking forward to some new stuff.
Tony Cox
Thanks brother,
Your last email was encouraging. I think the Lord gave me this latest idea as a way to solve one of those questions I put to you.
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