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Showing posts with label Repentance Details. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Repentance Details. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Calvinist Teachers/Followers (Reformed Theologians) Are They Unsaved?

The purpose of this article is to clarify my standpoint re my last article entitled: “New Calvinism. Explaining And Exposing This Latest Ecumenical and Apostate Movement Which Is Taking The Church By Storm”   Please Click Here  (to read that article).
Calvin: unsaved?
Whitfield: unsaved?
Spurgeon: unsaved?


Piper: unsaved?

It has come to my attention that readers may think I am suggesting that followers of Calvinism cannot be saved because of  Calvinists pagan Catholic/Augustinian influences and its superimposing gnostic teaching TO the Bible (i.e, twisting the scriptures, effectively adding to and taking away from what the Bible says and therefore removing the true and pure simplicity of the Word of God).

I AM  NOT suggesting that a Calvinist is not saved. I will now address the reasons why I believe that (possibly) MOST Calvinists ARE saved!

In dealing with this question, we need to be careful to always remember HOW one is saved.  I do not know of anyone who becomes a Calvinist, Arminian or of any other belief system BEFORE they receive Jesus as their Saviour.  Usually a believer becomes a Calvinist etc AFTER they come to faith (depending upon what Christian group influence them, at that time).

So……  Before we dare state that Calvinists etc are unsaved, we need to remind ourselves on

Friday, 14 May 2010

Why True Believers Are Eternally Secure In Their Salvation

Edited 19 Sep 2012
After this article was written, I found another excellent article (possibly even better) written by the hand of Harry Ironside. Please read this new link first together with the following content. Please click here to read "Eternal Security of the Believer".

Here is an excellent article by Michael J. Penfold of (See also listed in "my links")  which explains clearly what happens when a person is truly born-again and why scripturally and logically the believer can not lose their salvation.. But it would be good to get things into context first by reading my post entitled What Is Repentance? found within this link  Anyway, this is what Michael Penfold wrote:

Arriving at a clear understanding of the true nature of salvation represents the first step in settling the question of eternal security. The Bible clearly teaches that at the very moment of genuine repentance and saving faith a sinner is:  Converted - turned around (Acts 3:19),       Reconciled - made at peace (2 Cor 5:19),       Sanctified - set apart for God (1 Cor 1:2),       Regenerated - given new life (1 Pet 1:23),     Redeemed - purchased or bought back (1 Pet 1:18),      Adopted - placed in God’s family as a son (Rom 8:15) and        Justified - declared righteous by God (Rom 3:28, 2 Cor 5:21).

Furthermore the repentant sinner is sealed with, indwelt by, baptised in and anointed with the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:13, John 14:17, 1 Cor 12:13, 1 John 2:27). He receives eternal life (John 3:36) and because he is now ‘in Christ’, he is

Friday, 12 February 2010

What Is Repentance?

Edited 31 Oct 2011, 28th Dec 2012 and 10th Oct 2014 (see in blue for latest edits)

I have made a number of important changes to this article (since first written) because I have come to realise that the way it was originally presented could lead to misunderstandings and a false representation of what I actually believe.  I specifically want to clarify that I do not believe in "Lordship Salvation".

What Is Repentance?
I do not believe in Calvinism nor Arminism as there are serious scriptural errors in both, although they do both hold to "some" truth. In my part, I choose to follow only the teachings of the whole Bible and not follow any particular line of theology. Therefore, the subject of repentance will be dealt directly from the Bible and not from any other theological preconceived position.

All I will say is that "we are saved by grace through faith - not by works lest any man should boast". Question is what about repentance? Is it a work to repent?  I will tackle this by asking what does it mean to repent?

Some people (including the Billy Graham organisation) say repentance is simply a change of mind. As I now understand it, he is correct according to the Greek meaning of the word.

Although the word repentance means "a change of mind" it needs to be accompanied with faith.  However, surely repentance is much more than a change of mind, isn't it? So many preachers tell seekers that all they need to do is change their mind and believe in Jesus, to be saved. Are they correct? If all that is required is a mental assent, how do they become "born-again"? Many people become superficial/nominal christians because all they have done is have an intellectual mind change, but nothing significant has happened deep within them.

When we look at the scriptures (particularly the New Testament) there is not just a change of mind but a change of heart. When Peter preached on Pentecost, it says that they were CUT TO THE HEART.  It was more than just a change of mind because a simple change of mind does not result in conviction of sin or a changed heart.

Paul wrote to the Corinthians saying:

yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done.” 2 Cor 7:9-11

The key words were “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation”

When I consider the context of the passage, it IS in regard to believers (not the unsaved). However, scripture often adds a GENERAL piece of teaching (within the specific part) which can be generally applied to all people, such as “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation”.

True repentance is not possible without first having “Godly sorrow” about sin which is a result of the convicting work of the Holy Spirit (not self effort). Granted it does not mention a “turning from sin” but it DOES require a Godly sorrow.

Therefore, true repentance is stimulated by Holy Spirit inspired GODLY sorrow for sin and a recognition/acknowledgement that salvation can be found in no-one else except Jesus.

There surely must come a time in a sinners life when they realise they need salvation from their sin. They learn about the sacrifice Jesus made for their sin and then need to change their mind and agree with God, by placing their faith upon Jesus as the only one who can save them from their sin and bring them into the presence of God.

I believe that this whole process is led and directed by the Holy Spirit who “convicts the world regarding righteousness, sin and judgement”. The Holy Spirit leads a sinner to repentance (which includes a Godly sorrow for sin) and faith in Jesus.

I then ask you: how does