Did the enemy write this? |
Edited 31 Jan 2011 (Have added another link as evidence). See the bottom of this article. Also edited 29 Oct 2014 (in brown).
I read through the Book of Enoch about 6 months ago, out of interest because it was mentioned in the book of Jude (in the Bible). I did this (out of curiosity) to see why it was not considered as inspired scripture and also so that I could answer those who had read it.
The first thing I noticed was how scrambled it was - all over the place, much like what you find in other religions or cults holy books. I tried to make sense of it but could not.
Certainly it contradicts canonical scripture, quotes heresy and is nonsense by the way it has been put together. It doesn't give you the sense of inspiration or truth that the 66 God breathed books give in the recognised Bible.
Apparently, the book of Enoch was discovered together with the dead sea scrolls. Some people assume that because it was found with the dead sea scrolls, that that (in itself) authenticates its reliability. Are they correct? It actually reminds me of an excerpt from Matthew 13:27-28 "Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this". Jesus stated that the good seed is the Word of God and therefore the bad seed is NOT the word of God but a false or counterfeit version. This principle of teaching could be applied to the book of Enoch (bad seed) amongst the good seed found in the same place.
Here is one site that exposes the falseness of that Enoch book:
This article on that site highlights many things which illustrate that the Book of Enoch is a fake. This is an excerpt from that page, which I agree with:
"As you read the Book of Enoch, you will notice