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Friday, 12 March 2010

This is How Worldly The Church Is Becoming. Young Preacher Of The Year Competition.

I saw this advert on Premier Christian Radio which operates in the UK.  A competition for "Young Preacher of The Year 2010". Please see the advert below.

They have got to be kidding????  This is how far the church in UK has gone downhill. Behaving just like the world and using worldly means to choose preachers. This is sick!!! 

What has happened to God's anointing and the Holy Spirit distributing the gifts and calling. Now mere men decide by worldly means who has "preaching talent" via a competition.  YUK!!!!!  I thought God chooses because HE looks upon the heart whereas man looks on the outward appearance. Remember what God said to Samuel when choosing David as king.

Are you a young preacher? Or do you have a young preacher at your church who deserves recognition for their excellent sermons?
This year sees the launch of the very first Young Preacher of the Year Competition, a project run in partnership by Premier Christian Media and the College of Preachers. Our aim is to find the very best up-and-coming preachers from across the UK.
If you think you have got what it takes to impress our panel of adjudicators and you are aged between 18 and 30 as of 18th January 2010 then you are welcome to enter. Entrants must provide a sermon preached in an act of worship, in audio format with transcript. You must also have the endorsement of an ordained minister within your church.
To register your interest in taking part please click the link below to complete your details. Entries close on 28th May 2010, and the Awards will take place in November 2010.
We want to uncover the best young preaching talent in the UK so, if you are not eligible to enter, please pass this message on to anyone who you think fits the bill.

A Note from John Chingford:
Premier Christian Radio has great influence amongst Christians in the UK (in particular in London where it first operated). It is mostly financially subscribed by Kingsway International Community Church (KICC) which is a Word of Faith church and the Roman Catholics, so has become VERY ecumenical (and New Age ideas are promoted on the digital radio and on its website). It seeks to unite Evangelicals, Protestants and Catholics by presenting mixed programmes, but is primarily Catholic, new age and ecumenical, teaching some very weird stuff and promoting heretical Christian groups. As a high percentage of Christians listen to the station they are being badly influenced in this ecumenical drive. At present (amongst the majority of poison) they do have a "few" decent teachers who teach scriptural truth but for how long? 

Although they are NOT a church, they are influencing the church (or maybe the "apostate" church is influencing it to market this stuff) to operate in ecumenical ways, many of these use "worldly" methods like the advert above. Please also see this following advert they recently sent out which proves how Catholic it is:

Do you find yourself getting caught up in the crazy pace of life and not spending enough time talking to God?
Premier has launched a Prayer Beads iPhone App that enables you to meditate or pray when you are on the move, supporting your Christian faith in our busy, modern world.
The Pope himself has encouraged Christians to use 21st Century tools to spread the Gospel, maintaining that social networking and technology can have a positive effect on our faith and ability to share the Good News.
Once you have downloaded and installed the app you will be presented with a beautiful wooden set of beads that you can individually rotate or move around the string as you wish.
Use them to count off prayers, to count devotions or even just to play with to help you relax.

Download the Prayer Beads App today!

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