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Monday 6 December 2010

Background To Why Apostasy Took Place Within Evangelical Christianity During and Since The Twentieth Century

Edited 11 Dec 2010, 17 Dec 2010 and 20 Jan 2011  (see in bold for edited sections).
This is part 2 of a series, looking at the apostate condition of the church and why it embraced Dominionism and Kingdom Now Theology. Please click on this shortcut link to see part 1 entitled:
Why Dominion and Kingdom Now Theology Leads The Church Down The Same Road To Apostasy As Pursued By Rome

In part 1 we looked at  how Dominionism and Kingdom Now theology  has (throughout history) lead the church away from the pure and simple truth of the gospel and  deviated away from the Bible. This article will now begin to look at why and how large sections of the evangelical, protestant church turned away from Biblical Christianity over the last 100 years  and why those sections are now apostate.

Up until the Reformation, the Dominion and Kingdom Now theology was practiced by the Roman Catholic Church and (through this practice) became the dominant force in the world.  We have now had the Reformation, followed by the availability of the Bible to all people, then followed by a number of  revivals which reintroduced a true Christian Church based on grace and not on works. This restored church recommenced the true life of Christ (by the Holy Spirit) within congregations globally and the sending out of missionaries to the 4 corners of the Earth.

However, over the last 100 years or so, there has (again) been a gradual  fall away (of the evangelical church) from sound biblically based Christian life. Instead of humble submission to God’s truth and  His Will as revealed through the Bible, the church has sought for other things. Christians were not content  with what they had but wanted more. They wanted more power, more fame, more experience, more miracles, more success etc

It is not wrong to desire more of God and desire for Him to be more glorified in this World  resulting in more GENUINE conversions and a greater desire to serve God, becoming more like Him but in brokenness and humility and a deeper love, realising that we are nothing and HE is everything.  These are the things we should all be seeking.

Problem is that  church leaders arose with the wrong perspectives. They wanted the power etc but not the cost. Their longings for the experience and demonstrations of power were so strong that they didn’t care how it came (generally speaking). Instead of seeking God with all their hearts in humility and surrender to HIS WILL and  letting God answer the prayers according to HIS will, THEY decided God was calling them to do HIS work for Him, by building the structures for revival in their own strength, using unbiblical methods, such as marketing or new age methods. They deliberately ignored certain scriptures such as “unless the LORD builds the house they labour in vain who try to build it”.

They  (NOT GOD) had decided that HE was going to bring a massive global revival BEFORE the return of Jesus (according to their misinterpretations of the scriptures). If  they did not bring it about, it would not happen. They believed

Friday 19 November 2010

When Did Jesus Drink The Fourth and Final Passover Cup? The Mystery Truth Revealed

The 4th cup:  WHEN?
When Did Jesus Drink The Fourth and Final Cup of The Passover? This is a question which the Roman Catholic Church has now answered........or has it?

They will point to Jewish Passover (Pesach) tradition to explain things. Indeed the RC will often use traditions, inspired writings of the Fathers etc to interpret the Bible. In fact, Catholics have to trust in these things because they are instructed to NEVER interpret the scriptures privately, because of one isolated verse written by Peter which says "no prophecy was given by private interpretation". This verse (incidentally) was not talking about interpreting the scriptures - it was referring to those who were given the Word by God to put into the inspired scriptures. THEY were the ones who did not write down their interpretations of  what God had given them, but wrote down exactly what God had said, so that we can study what God said first hand.

So, let us consider the above question by looking at what the Bible actually says on the subject and get it into Bible context and not be influenced too much by extra biblical material, which can confuse matters. You may be surprised to know that there is NO MYSTERY regarding the final cup if we look only to the Bible for the answers. The Bible DOES explain it very clearly.

First of all, none of the four gospels mention Jesus drinking wine at the Last Supper (it doesn’t mean He didn’t drink wine – just that it doesn’t mention it). Besides Jesus already stated He would NOT drink again until later on. More on that shortly.

Every gospel account only states that He distributed the wine to the apostles only. It only mentions 2 cups at the table. The second one was taken AFTER supper. Of course just because it only mentions two cups does not necessarily  mean that there were only 2 cups, but it probably means 2 significant cups (at that stage). However,  the point is that we cannot state (as a fact) something which the Bible does not state as fact.

Please note the following statement by Jesus in Matthew 26:29 which is the whole crux of this article and is an indication when the final cup will be drunk:

“I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

There we have it in a nutshell! Jesus declared that He will drink no more wine until He does so in His Father’s Kingdom. Let us compare this, with what Jesus also said during

Friday 12 November 2010

Peter Was Not The First Pope! Conclusive Historical Evidence Revealed and Matthew 16:18-19 Contextual Evidence

Before I give you the conclusive historical evidence in part 2,  I would first like to first give a brief Bible study on Matthew 16:18-19. This is the passage which Catholics use to prove Peter was the first Pope and that the Catholic Church was founded upon Peter as the rock. They do not have any other scriptural verses to back up that claim apart from these verses.

Certainly they use these verses as their strongest argument. If we can demonstrate and prove that these verses are not discussing the establishment of  Peter as the Pope, but discussing the foundation of the Church, their foundation probably comes crashing down.

Part 1:  The Context Of Matthew 16:18-19  Jesus Said "Who Do Men Say That I Am"?
The context of these verses lies in the question Jesus asked the apostles. He asked "who do men say that I am". The Church cannot be built upon wrong doctrine about Jesus. Jesus cannot be just a good man or a prophet or anything other than "the Christ, the Son of the Living God". He is the rock of our salvation and those who confess Him are built upon that rock. This is exactly what Peter confessed regarding the question of who Jesus is.

Peter being the very first to confess that truth (revealed by our Father) became the first to be built upon that rock. The name Jesus gave Peter was Petros which (in Greek) means stone or small stone. "and upon this rock" (petra, meaning massive rock, which is obviously Jesus referring to himself). Literally, Jesus is saying "you are Peter (a little stone) and upon me (the massive Rock) I will build my church.

Those who are built upon the Rock (JESUS)  become the church that cannot be shaken and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Book of Revelation has a verse which says "they overcome by the word of their testimony". Our testimony is that Jesus is the Christ, the redeemer, the Son Of God, the lamb of God.  The Church is built upon Jesus with the "good" confession.

Rom 10:9 says "if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved". 
All believers (including the apostles) first need to make confession and believe in their hearts. It is not just an intellectual acceptance of Jesus, but a revelation to the heart which produces an oratory response like Peter's. 

Loosing and Binding
Regarding the loosing and binding in verse 19.  If we compare Matthew 16:19 with Matthew 18:15-19 Jesus says the same thing about loosing and binding. In Matthew 19 Jesus is talking to all the Apostles and in relation to discipline in the church. He states

Sunday 7 November 2010

Why Dominion and Kingdom Now Theology Leads The Church Down The Same Road To Apostasy As Pursued By Rome

Updated  6 Dec 2010 and 20 Jan 2011
If you click on the following shortcut link you will see an older article (which this new article is based upon). However, that older article  List and Details On Other False Teachers and Prophets  needed revision and was edited on 6 Dec 2010 .

Please note:  On 6 Dec 2010  I  finally  completed my own list (after very extensive research of  many weeks)  of false church leaders as per  List Of False Christian Leaders, False Teachers Prophets indicated By The False Organisations They Belong To  This work is not yet completed. There will be subsequent articles which will give sound reasons why they are false, by giving a general history of the faulty organisations they represent. I have now removed my earlier lists (as given by the RR site) because it was too questionable.

Whilst working on this project I had to look at the recent history (behind the scenes) of  how apostasy enveloped the churches within the 20th to 21st Centuries. The aim is to show the apostate organisations and then list the main leaders within these organisations. From that list you would then be able to make decisions on individual leaders based on their associations or the bad company they keep.

The more I have investigated into these things,  the more I realise I am opening a massive can of worms which reveal vast networks closely knitted together within each group and some of these networked groups are attached to the other false organisations . For example,  some of groups within The Restoration Movement and Pentecostal movement have links with the Word Faith organisations.

This is becoming something so large, it is difficult to put together within just one article. It would need a volume of books to explain and prove it sufficiently. However, I will attempt to give as brief  a summary as possible (with helpful links) and try to present it in a very readable way, within maybe just a few articles which will be linked together.

I wanted to know if there was a common ground which linked these false organisations together. I knew that they are all ecumenical and are co-workers with Rome (The Vatican controlled Catholic Church). But then I discovered something more intriguing which links them with Rome. These groups ALL embrace the

Monday 18 October 2010

Reply To A Rabbi. Why There Can Be No Forgiveness Without Blood Sacrifice

I read an article which was written on a Rabbis website. This article was attempting to prove that Jewish people have never believed that blood ALONE was necessary for God to forgive. He gave examples from the Bible showing that God many times forgave without the sacrifice of animals. His comments were related to Leviticus chapter 17.  (Incidentally, please click on this shortcut link   Why God Required Animal Blood Sacrifice, In The Bible?  which is a full answer to why God DID ALWAYS require blood for forgiveness). I decided to write to the rabbi refuting his arguments.

He surprisingly replied to my email with further comments and questions (not specifically answered within the article I quoted above). I then sent another email replying to his questions. I would like to show the contents of the questions and answers because it illustrates the truth proving how the Jewish people (like all people) can find  eternal forgiveness of sins in no other sacrifice than the one done by Jesus (Yeshua).
This was my email: 

Friday 15 October 2010

Qualities Of True Biblical Leadership Compared To the False Teachers

This new article follows on from these previous articles:

Prophetic Ministry In These Last Days. How to Recognise True And False Prophecies

An Exhortation To Pastors or "Good Shepherds"

List and Details On Other False Teachers and Prophets

We are living in days where false teachers and false prophets abound. Jesus said that by their fruits you will know them. Putting these words into the whole context of the passage we will see that the fruit, Jesus was referring to, was unscriptural false teaching but He was pointing out that they were wolves. What are the fruits of a wolf in sheeps clothing? Here are some traits: arrogance, pride, greediness, lies. Maybe, instead of looking at these traits it may be better (as a counter to the false) to consider what makes for a “true” leader or a “good shepherd”

This article will look at the qualifications for leadership as defined in the Bible to help you determine whether a teacher is sound or not.

Before we look at the qualities for Biblical leadership, I need to point out that these are  very different from worldly leadership qualities or criteria. James says that friendship with the world is enmity with God.  Paul tells us that we are not to be conformed to this world (ie the way it thinks and acts) but be transformed (in our minds and hearts) by the renewing of our minds.

In fact, we are in days of being very influenced by “new-age” thinking about leadership. For instance, many books have been written by new-age gurus about leadership skills. However, this article concentrates on revealing God’s Mind on what is required in leadership.

God is looking for spiritually qualified leaders to feed His flock. He is looking for

Sunday 10 October 2010

We Are No Longer Under Law But Under Grace! What Does That Really Mean?

Originally Posted 29 Jan 2010 But Revised and  Updated 27 Oct 2010.  Also Important Addition On 20th July 2012 (see bottom of this article for that  addition)

There seems to be a lot of confusion amongst most Christians regarding the verse which quotes "we are no longer under law but under grace".  These words tend to get wrongly quoted to mean that we no longer need rules within the church but should trust our experiences of the Holy Spirit within us, instead. They consider that rules and Law are the same thing and both lead to legalism, which the Christian should avoid. They, therefore say that we should be selective in what we read or how we interpret.

Clearly the scriptures DO teach us that "the letter kills (ie, legalism kills) but the Spirit gives life" (more details on this later)  but rules or instructions about how to be disciples are completely different from legalism or keeping the law. This article will explain what "we are no longer under Law, but under grace" actually means and prove it doesn't mean what a lot of Christians think it means.

The misinterpretation of those verses is the thin end of the wedge leading to a growth of apostasy within the churches because many are now ditching the Word of God in favour of their experiences. This is why I write this article to encourage us all to study the Bible, be Bereans, check these things out and so save ourselves from the slippery road into apostasy. By the way,  I don't reject experiences provided they are scriptural and measure up with the Bible. John told us to "test the spirits to see whether they be of God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1)

I believe the Lord has called me (according to 2 Tim 2:15) to be a workman rightly dividing (handling) the word of truth. Therefore, I will share the real meaning of the text just as God taught me.

Let us first look at the whole context of  “we are no longer under law but under grace” found in Romans 6:14. 

Paul was speaking about the condemnation and hell judgement that the law of Moses brought to us. He said that before the law was given he would not have been aware of his sinful nature and its tendency to yield to temptation, but because the law was given (since the time of Moses) it revealed to him how sinful he was.

Paul goes on to say that the law of life in Christ Jesus sets us free from that law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). So, never again does the judgement, condemnation of the  law hang over us (showing us our sin leading to spiritual death),  because we are living in the grace (unmerited favour, mercy, forgiveness) of God which gives us Spiritual life, release and liberty within us. We are set free from God's judgement and the fear that that brings.

Although, we now have now become transformed within, this does not mean that we do not need to follow guidelines. We still follow guidelines or commandments in the power of the Holy Spirit. We don’t follow the Mosaic law of works in order to receive God’s salvation as it has been already given by GRACE. As our sins have been washed away,  the Holy Spirit now lives in us enabling us to live under the new covenant with ability to submit to God and to His laws of the new covenant.

Paul is referring to what it was like before grace came - before Jesus rescued us from the consequences of the Law.  When Paul talks about the law of sin and death he is talking about the result of trying to obey the Law. The Law highlights to us how sinful we are (whenever we try to be obedient to the Law). It also results in our spiritual death when we fail. So, it is a law that brings about sin and death in us. We cannot (in our own strength) fulfil it. This is why Paul cried out "who will save me from this body of death? Thanks be to Jesus!".

We talk about the laws of physics eg law of gravity. There is a principle (or condition) and a consequence. If you drop a heavy object it will fall. The condition "if you drop a heavy object" and a consequence "it will fall".

So, this could also be read (but means the same thing):
"the condition" of 'disobeying the Law or sinning, gives a "consequence" of death (spiritual death)". However, the "condition" of  being in Christ Jesus brings "consequence" Life (spiritual life). The law of life in Christ Jesus (because of continuous forgiveness and cleansing) through the power of the Holy Spirit, sets me free from 

Sunday 26 September 2010

Why Word Faith Organisation is a Cult and is Detrimental To Your Faith, Mind And Soul

Edited 24 Aug 2011 (see very bottom for the edited section, which includes a link to even better videos)

This article has been written in response to an email I received. This is what this person wrote:

Question:“We pray that we get lots of money, riches etc but didn’t Jesus say that it is very difficult or as good as impossible for a rich man to enter heaven? Will such prayers be answered? Many missionaries promise to offer prayers for our riches etc,  for a minimum donation to them or they say send in a certain amount for a years wellness or prosperity. For that amount they will pray for a years wellness. Is that okay?"

Answer: First, I would like to say that the true Christian Church do not teach such terrible things because they are not taught in the Bible. The Organisation which teach these things are called “Word Faith”.

In answer to your first question: we should never pray for riches. We cannot expect God to say yes to such selfish prayers. Jesus does instruct us that we can include prayer for our daily needs, but mostly our prayer should centre on God's Will and purposes, glorifying and praising Him. Certainly NOT praying for riches.  Jesus said “seek first the kingdom of God ”Matthew 6:33 and “he who loves his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake, will find it” John 12:25 and Matthew 10:38-39.

Jesus is saying 

Saturday 25 September 2010

What True Biblical Fellowship is and Why It is Vital We Live It, In These Last Days

Originally Posted 5 March 2010
Updated 12 Nov 2010 and 24 Aug 2011 (see bottom of this article)
We are living in days of mass heresy and apostasy. This apostasy with much false teaching, seems to be everywhere with many Christians and church goers caught up in it. They are even ditching the Bible as the  guide and absolute authority in their lives and churches.  Therefore, they are unable to recognise or confront error, when it appears.

These things have even sprung up within (previously considered) sound churches or denominations. Therefore,  it is becoming increasingly difficult to find churches who are still firmly committed in preaching the undiluted Word Of God and living the scriptures. Because these things are so, true biblical fellowship with others (who share the same passion) is extremely difficult to find.

These churches seem far and few between.  However, for the sake of this article let us assume that the church you attend is sound in scriptural teaching and is practicing what scriptures teach. This article is for such a church.

The Body Of Christ And It’s Priorities
“That there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured , all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ and members individually”  1 Cor 12:  25-27.

I have to say that of my 30 years as a Christian I have NEVER discovered a church so interwoven or intertwined with each other, that they are capable of practicing such things.

Friday 24 September 2010

How To Handle False Teaching And Strange, Different Teachings

Old article Posted in Feb 2010 has now been replaced by this new and improved one 24 Sep 2010

Edited 1st Sep 2011 (see last section in bold, for the edited part).

We are living in days of mass deception – especially from within “so called” Christian circles. The Bible instructs us to watch out for false prophets, to be discerning and also ensure that false teaching does not spread like leaven. So how do we determine whether a teaching is heresy, major error, or just simply a minor difference in interpretation? Also, how should we behave, respond when we read or hear what seems like “strange” teachings?

The purpose of this article is to encourage us all to seek the Lord and in so doing we will be better equipped to handle these things and not be drawn to false teaching or teachers who tickle our ears by the things they say, with all sorts of unsound ideas.

Let's first, gets things in the right perspective, though. So let us

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Christian Protestant Denominations In 2010. Are They Now All Apostate? (Of Course Not). This Blog's Statement

I need to clarify the stance taken on this blog, regarding its views on todays Protestant Denominations. This is being done because the blog was questioned over its view of current denominations and believers.

It was claimed that the blog appeared to be dismissive of the millions of  born-again, evangelical, or bible-believing  christians who are members of denominational churches. They asked if I was suggesting that these were not "true" Christians and whether we were more "biblical" than them?

This (I know) is a sensitive issue and needs to be addressed,  in case many get unnecessarily discouraged in their faith, hurt or angry because of misunderstanding. I certainly do not want to give the wrong impression and encourage you to participate in this blog.

I will start this article by stating very emphatically that I am NOT saying that all denominational protestant churches (or all those believers within them) are not true Christians!  Note: Here is a more recent article (written 20 Feb 2013) regarding this subject:

Actually it is not the building or the denomination which makes it Christian but the people inside it. A denomination  and individuals show that they are a true church or believer if

Sunday 5 September 2010

How The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The Inspired Inerrant Word Of God

The purpose of  this report is to explain how the Bible was put together and therefore also demonstrate:

* why/how the Bible is the inspired inerrant Word of God

* why the Bible can be fully trusted to build our lives and faith upon

* why no other religious book is worthy to be compared to the Bible

Please also read this following link which also relates to this subject:

Why Most of Our Major Bible Translations Can Be Trusted

I have collected together (from various sources) logical arguments to prove these things.
My First Source collected from

Question 1: "Is the Bible truly God's Word?"

Answer: Our answer to this question will not only determine how we view the Bible and its importance to our lives, but also it will ultimately have an eternal impact on us. If the Bible is truly God’s Word, then we should cherish it, study it, obey it, and fully trust it. If the Bible is the Word of God, then to dismiss it is to dismiss God Himself.

The fact that God gave us the Bible is an evidence and illustration of His love for us. The term “revelation” simply means that God communicated to mankind what He is like and how we can have a right relationship with Him. These are things that we could not have known had God not divinely revealed them to us in the Bible. Although God’s revelation of Himself in the Bible was given progressively over approximately 1500 years, it has always contained everything man needs to know about God in order to have a right relationship with Him. If the Bible is truly the Word of God, then it is the final authority for all matters of faith, religious practice, and morals.

The question we must ask ourselves is how can we know that the Bible is the Word of God and not just a good book?  
What is unique about the Bible that sets it apart from all other religious books ever written? Is there any evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word? These types of questions must be seriously examined if we are to determine the validity of the Bible’s claim to be the very Word of God, divinely inspired, and totally sufficient for all matters of faith and practice. There can be no doubt

Thursday 26 August 2010

Why Jesus Is The ONLY Way To Heaven and How To Be Saved

Edited 31 Oct 2011 and 13 Feb 2012 (see sections in bold)

If you are reading this it is probably because you are either intrigued or you are someone who is serious about getting right with God but maybe do not know why Jesus is the only way? Let me give a fairly brief analysis on why Jesus is the only way to be eternally saved and why He is the only way, through whom we can become worthy and certain of Heaven.

Before I do this let me just say that NO religion in the world can come even remotely close to offering what Jesus offers. Only Christianity claims their messiah and Lord to have risen from the dead and because of this only Jesus can offer us the following:

* sins forgiven eternally
* enabling us to become "born-again" becoming a new person with the characteristics of God
* enabling us to be transformed, washed and cleansed from the inside from all guilt, shame and impurity
* being filled with God's Spirit
* a close intimate relationship with God through His Spirit within us
* the resurrection from the dead
* certainty of going to Heaven
 (after physical death or at the rapture - whatever comes first) receiving new glorified bodies which can always experience constant joy, love, peace, purity, perfection and boundless abilities
* everlasting life in the presence of God eternally

I will now explain why these things are a reality through Jesus! 

Sunday 1 August 2010

My Rapture and End Times Stance

First the sky recedes as a scroll to open the glory
 of heaven:      Revelation 6:12-16
making way for the rapture of believers in a 
twinkling of an eye:   Revelation 7:9

Edited 14th November 2014
Sorry, but I have had to completely revamp this article as it was confusing and contained many errors. I now have a much clearer understanding of the rapture, so have rewritten most of it, today.

Please also measure this article in relation to a newer article on this subject:

The purpose of this blog is (as has already been described on my introduction) to inform and edify believers regarding current watchman issues and not get caught up in speculating on what may or may not happen in the future re your interpretation of biblical eschatology (end times teachings).

If prophecies are being fulfilled in front of our own eyes and events are affecting us (here and now) in the present, then this blog may well inform about it and tackle the issues. However, I will not get into debates trying to uphold my own personal stance (which I believe is the one which makes most sense according to the scriptures) because I believe it is fruitless for 3 major reasons:

1) the scriptures teach us to focus on what we should be doing "now" and not on "vain speculations"

2) these discussions produce strife and heated arguments. Paul told Timothy that God's servant should not be like that

3) I need to guard the time (that God gives me) to be focussed on the purpose of this blog, not get sidetracked by long discussions "proving" my point on subjects not so vital for our Christian lives NOW.

Though this blog will mention eschatology occasionally at times because an article may need to refer to it, it does not intend to get into debate over THAT issue but try to stick to the point of the article in question. Paul told Timothy that leaders should not get caught up in controversial teachings.

Yes, this blog will definitely contend for the faith over vital teachings but some teachings are not so vital and it certainly should not interfere with our unity. My stance is always "let's focus on preaching the good news, imploring people to be reconciled to Christ, rather than getting too caught up in the peripherals".

Our response should be the same whether pre tribulation, mid or post etc, is to be ready and doing the work of the kingdom (preaching the gospel, discipling, worshipping, watching and praying, exposing heresy of fundamental truth, upholding the Bible as the inspired Word of God, being obedient to God and living holy lives dedicated to Jesus).

The main teaching which is applicable to every Christian and is fundamental to our faith is that Jesus WILL return and deliver us all from evil once and for all time to live in His glorious kingdom forever. Hallelujah!!! However, having said all these things, I will (on this post only) give you my present stance on the Rapture and End Times and Why (so that you will not need to wonder where I stand on it) which is:

Thursday 22 July 2010

Would Fundamental Biblical Christians Have Crucified Jesus Too? (Hypothetically Speaking)

There is a BIG subtle (but very poisonous) lie being propagated by many "christian" leaders in order to "scare" Christians into being more open-minded and open-hearted than they should be, encouraging them to reach out more for experiences and not be too focused on the Bible. The lie to scare christians, is that those who are too focussed on the Bible (religious as they put it) or too zealous with "truth" ie "contending for the faith"  would be the very ones to crucify Jesus also if they lived at the same time of Jesus (hypothetically speaking).

They say that we are like the religious Jews who killed Jesus. They say that the scribes and Pharisees were too rigid in the scriptures that they were unable to accept Messiah when He came, so if we get too "religious" we too would have done the same thing. What utter nonsense! They couldn't recognise Messiah because they couldn't see "the forest for the trees". 

What I mean is that the Religious leaders were so caught up in scriptural commentaries (like the talmud, Midrash etc) and traditions of men, oral Law and rabbinical teachers (gurus?) etc that they were blind to the obvious references to the Messiah directly from the Tenach (Old testament). They were so caught up in these things that they (actually) did not directly know the Scriptures. Therefore, they were biassed towards expecting a specific messiah after their own imaginations. In fact their hearts became increasingly hardened towards Jesus because (as Jesus put it) they were wicked "of their father the devil" and stiff-necked, hardened hearts.

If they checked the scriptures  

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Articles Carrying Most Comments as at 30 November 2011

Articles Carrying Most Comments as at 30 November 2011
Articles (click for shortcut to article)
No. of Comments