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Showing posts with label Heresy Watch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heresy Watch. Show all posts

Thursday 20 January 2011

Chronological Emergence Of The Apostate Church Over Last 100 Years

Edited 27 Jan, 6 Feb, 17 Aug, 7 Nov 2011 and 1 April 2012
(for 17 Aug, edit see 3 videos added under Word Faith section)

This is Part  3 of a series looking into how (many strands of) the protestant evangelical Church became apostate over the last 100 years.This part 3 is not completed yet but due to various reasons I feel I need to display something now. I will add to it in due course, but I hope you find this helpful, for now.  To see part 1 and 2 please click these shortcut links:
Part 1   Why Dominion and Kingdom Now Theology Leads The Church Down The Same Road To Apostasy As Pursued By Rome
Part 2   Background To Why The Twentieth Century Evangelical Church Became Apostate

We will now look at the chronological emergence of the apostate church over the first half of the last one hundred years, through the influences of men like William Branham, EW Kenyon and Kenneth Hagan.

These men, whose false  "Christian" gnostic (now known as New Age) teachings and their unhealthy over focus on the supernatural and angelic experiences, became the forerunners to the Latter Rain and Word Faith movements. We will look at the origins of these two movements with a brief description of their main false teachings and their key objectives. We will also look at the subsequent and initial organisations which arose (at that time). 

These movements are the basis and links which led to the introduction of all other apostate  "Christian" organisations (which are ecumenical and new age). They are both very similar in their teachings. They both emphasise replacementism, the global reign of the church BEFORE Jesus returns (Kingdom Now Dominionism), restoration of the 5 fold ministry and the New Age idea and the satanic lie that we can all become like God by becoming little gods. They both emphasise power supernatural  ministry and talk much about angelic visitations.

Please read Colossians 2:18  and 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 which expose these "experiences" as unscriptural
First, here is a brief chronological sequence of 

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Bible NIV 2011 Version ALERT

Edited 22 and 28 Jan 2011.  Please see addition at the bottom

Before reading this please familiarise yourselves with How The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The Inspired Inerrant Word Of God  which shows that most of  the available Bible versions (up until 1984) were reliable and could be fully trusted.

NIV 2011 Version cannot be fully trusted
I often use as a valuable resource for searching specific scripture verses and copying/pasting the verses. I usually use NASB, KJV, NKJV and NIV in my research. Although NIV may not be the very best (although still a very good translation) I usually use it in my articles because it is easier to read or use.

What I didn't notice until now, is that the original NIV (1984 copyright) has been updated to 2011 copyright. Bible Gateway still list the version 1984 but it appears at the bottom of the list of versions, with 2011 version at the very top of the list. However, I will continue to use the 1984 version.

I checked out the 2011 version to see what the differences were because i could not understand why it needed to be updated as it was already easy enough to read and easily relevant in how we speak today. So why did they change it?

They changed it because they wanted the NIV to be more relevant to the 21st Century, ie they wanted it to be politically correct! WHAT?????

How dare they meddle with the Bible to make it more Politically correct, ie change it to conform to the way we think TODAY. The Bible says "do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The Bible should change us FROM the world, not change the Bible! Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever. WE MUST NOT CHANGE ANYTHING. Jesus and other scriptures warned of what would happen if we tamper with the Word of God.

So what changes have taken place? Well I noticed something immediately in the Book of James. It had this as a footnote:

Wednesday 22 December 2010

What Do You Think About BibleFresh Venture?

In Britain the Evangelical Alliance (EA) has become very ecumenical and endorses a number of ecumenical organisations such as Spring Harvest (one of the fastest growing ecumenical festivals in the last 2 or 3 decades). I could say a lot about how EA has gone down the dogs with its endorsements of  ecumenical, Alpha,  Purpose Driven and Emerging Church (to name just a few) and its support, giving a platform for Bill McLaren.

Just to let you know that EA has now encouraged and got behind the new BIBLEFRESH 2010 Venture to encourage a greater interest in the Bible on the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible. This venture seems to be taking off in a big way.

The venture sounds like a great idea (at face value)!

It would be good to influence believers to read the Living Word of God. My blog always encourages us to get back to the Bible. However, I have had a good look at the "Biblefresh" website and seen a number of things which concern me. Let me ask us the question: what is their real incentive in this project? Please read on ....

Thursday 16 December 2010

How To Study The Bible and Why. Learning How To Avoid Deception

Added To and Edited 18 Dec 2010 and 18 Jan 2011

After you read this please read the following article (which will re-enforce why we should read the Bible) by clicking on this shortcut link: How The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The Inspired Inerrant Word Of God  

The first reason we should read the Bible is because it is our spiritual food. Jesus said "no one lives by bread (physical food) alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. God, the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles all declared that the scriptures were the WORD OF GOD. They are our spiritual food. In Hebrews it states that "the Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing between soul and spirit". The Word is powerful and transforms us. It also protects us from false teachers or false prophets because we should compare what they say with what the Bible ACTUALLY says.

When I mention the Bible, of course I mean Bibles which are translated directly from the original manuscripts of the Bible. I do not mean "false" bibles which are NOT direct translations from the original manuscripts, such as paraphrases. 

These original manuscripts were recognised by all (as explained within that shortcut link above) as the inspirational writings (canon) of truth (note: the canon does not include the apocrypha). So, the "false" bibles (like the paraphrases) are simply the author's personal and biassed interpretation which cannot be considered as inspirational or THE BIBLE as they are not direct translations from the Holy Spirit inspired Manuscripts, but have been contaminated by human (not divine) interpretations.

Therefore, please do not consider "The Message", "Living Bible" "New Living Translation" or any other paraphrase or interpretations of the Bible (which were not from the original manuscripts) as your BIBLE because they actually distort the true message. Note: many use these paraphrases to support their ungodly agendas. For example "the Message" has been written by an author who is seeking to bring the occultic New Age, teaching into the Bible. Please check out my article about "the message" within this shortcut link

Showing Why The Bible Version "The Message" Is Blasphemous  

So what versions can we trust?
Those versions which can be used (reliably) as accurate translations of the WORD OF GOD are as follows: KJV,   NIV 1984 version only,  NKJV, NASB. I like to use these in combination to compare with each other so as to arrive at the correct meaning on the difficult passages.  There is actually virtually no difference (in meaning) in the translations of these apart from slightly different words being used to describe the same thing. By comparing the different versions it helps us to understand the true meaning better.  By the way, the NIV is very easy to read, so we really do not need paraphrases anyway! Please note that the NIV versions 2005 and 2010 have been changed to be more politically correct but no longer as trustworthy. 

We should all study the Bible (eg, NASB,  NIV 1984 version only,  KJV, NKJV) direct and do not use paraphrases or versions not directly translated from the original manuscripts. I also advise that these 4 versions be compared and read together to ensure you arrive at the correct meaning of the text. It is first vital to get to know the whole Bible first: verse by verse, passage by passage, chapter by chapter, book by book.

You cannot properly  study the Bible (comparing scripture with scripture) until you have read it through first.
Therefore, I will now pass on some tips which have served many thousands of biblical Christians well (over the last century) on how to read and then study your Bible.

How To Study The Bible

Monday 6 December 2010

List Of (Probable) False Christian Leaders, False Christian Teachers and False Prophets (As Indicated By The Ecumenical or Heretical Organisations They Belong To)

Watch Out
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Last edited: 22 Aug 2011 (see in red)
Previously edited:
  • 24 Jan 2011           updated list
  • 10 Dec 2010          added details
  • 7 & 12 Jan 2011   further explanations added (see below in bold).
Further Explanations 7 Jan 2011 and 3 Aug 2016
From the responses I've continuously received since this article was written until today (3rd Aug 2016), it seems that readers have not noticed my introduction of this article. I DO explain here the reasons for this article. However, just to let you know that I have answered the criticisms within the comments section of this article and have also written other articles as answers to these criticisms. Please click on these following 2 shortcut links to read them:

 link 1

link 2

Original Article (note: edited 22 Aug 2011 in red):
This is a continuation to Part 2 of a series regarding the history behind the recent apostate evangelical church. Please click on this shortcut link Background To Why The Twentieth Century Evangelical Church Became Apostate to read the introduction regarding the lists below and  afterwards click on Chronological Emergence Of The Apostate Church Over Last 100 Years  to see the continuation ie  part 3.

Jesus said that we should watch out for false prophets. He stated that we would know them by their fruits. The context of Matthew 7 indicates He is referring mostly to the WORDS they speak. For more on this please click on this shortcut link Do Not Judge, But Watch Out For False Prophets, Matthew 7 Explanation

We are instructed to not judge the motives of the heart in 1 Corinthians 4:4-5 but we are taught to watch out for false teaching. Therefore, I cannot produce a list of false teachers/prophets based on behaviour (because behaviour can easily be misunderstood) but I can produce a list based on false teaching. However, as I do not know 100% what each individual teaches it is rather difficult to measure if a person is false or not. BUT  we do have plenty of information about false heretical organisations (available to us) including what they teach. So, presumably any leaders of those organisations will teach and practice those false things. So my list reflects this. I wanted to make everyone aware of the leaders who are attached to these false groups.

The first list contains all the organisations that have led the church down the road of the apostate and are all ecumenical groups. The second list contains the names of all the leaders or leading characters who belong to or associate with these groups  (see note below regarding what I mean by "associate with"). The list does not mean that absolutely everybody listed is definitely a false leader, false teacher or false prophet, but there should be serious concern because of the faulty organisations they: belong to, associate with (see note below re "associate"), work for, endorse and support.

Updated 10 Dec 2010
However, it is always possible that some individuals may be ignorant about the groups they speak at, associate with or endorse. Some of these leaders may have regretted it later or even withdrawn their names (if possible). I would be more concerned if these people still deliberately JOIN these groups (or remain with them) even though the groups have been exposed as being apostate and ecumenical.  Although, we should be careful not to be too harsh on those who are only linked to one group, as they may have done this in ignorance. However, those who are attached to, or involved in, more than one group should cause us extra concern.

Added 12 Jan 2011
What I mean by "associate with"
If a church leader is simply having fellowship with another teacher (from one of those organisations) without endorsing or teaching their doctrines, that is okay, but if they start joining in with that ecumenical group (in a unification process) and lead their church down that path of joining those groups or teaching the ecumenical doctrine, then this is a bad association. It is this type of association that I am warning against. So, if teachers, leaders and prophets are encouraging believers (by their association with those groups and what they teach in support of them)  to join these ecumenical or new age groups, then their association is cause of concern. Also, my meaning of association is referring to individuals who have signed their allegiance to ecumenical groups like Westminster Declaration  and Manhattan Declaration. Everyone listed has absolutely associated (*in a bad sense) with an ecumenical or new age infected organisation (or both).

Additional Info:
By the way, I have just realised an interesting fact and will be writing something on this in due course.  I will just say something briefly now.  Many leaders (amongst the groups mentioned) were first trained or lectured at Fullers Theological Seminary. This Seminary  majors on Church growth, but is strongly ecumenical with new age ideas. Therefore, it is not surprising that the new brand of church leaders (which it produces) would emerge leading our churches in the same direction. So, it appears, that Fullers are a major reason for the evangelical church's speedy fall into increasing apostasy (apostasy means falling away from the truth into heresy).

Anyway, here are the full lists of all the heretical ecumenical organisations (within the "evangelical" umbrella) and its individual leading associates (as they stand at the moment on 18 Jan 2011) as follows:

Background To Why Apostasy Took Place Within Evangelical Christianity During and Since The Twentieth Century

Edited 11 Dec 2010, 17 Dec 2010 and 20 Jan 2011  (see in bold for edited sections).
This is part 2 of a series, looking at the apostate condition of the church and why it embraced Dominionism and Kingdom Now Theology. Please click on this shortcut link to see part 1 entitled:
Why Dominion and Kingdom Now Theology Leads The Church Down The Same Road To Apostasy As Pursued By Rome

In part 1 we looked at  how Dominionism and Kingdom Now theology  has (throughout history) lead the church away from the pure and simple truth of the gospel and  deviated away from the Bible. This article will now begin to look at why and how large sections of the evangelical, protestant church turned away from Biblical Christianity over the last 100 years  and why those sections are now apostate.

Up until the Reformation, the Dominion and Kingdom Now theology was practiced by the Roman Catholic Church and (through this practice) became the dominant force in the world.  We have now had the Reformation, followed by the availability of the Bible to all people, then followed by a number of  revivals which reintroduced a true Christian Church based on grace and not on works. This restored church recommenced the true life of Christ (by the Holy Spirit) within congregations globally and the sending out of missionaries to the 4 corners of the Earth.

However, over the last 100 years or so, there has (again) been a gradual  fall away (of the evangelical church) from sound biblically based Christian life. Instead of humble submission to God’s truth and  His Will as revealed through the Bible, the church has sought for other things. Christians were not content  with what they had but wanted more. They wanted more power, more fame, more experience, more miracles, more success etc

It is not wrong to desire more of God and desire for Him to be more glorified in this World  resulting in more GENUINE conversions and a greater desire to serve God, becoming more like Him but in brokenness and humility and a deeper love, realising that we are nothing and HE is everything.  These are the things we should all be seeking.

Problem is that  church leaders arose with the wrong perspectives. They wanted the power etc but not the cost. Their longings for the experience and demonstrations of power were so strong that they didn’t care how it came (generally speaking). Instead of seeking God with all their hearts in humility and surrender to HIS WILL and  letting God answer the prayers according to HIS will, THEY decided God was calling them to do HIS work for Him, by building the structures for revival in their own strength, using unbiblical methods, such as marketing or new age methods. They deliberately ignored certain scriptures such as “unless the LORD builds the house they labour in vain who try to build it”.

They  (NOT GOD) had decided that HE was going to bring a massive global revival BEFORE the return of Jesus (according to their misinterpretations of the scriptures). If  they did not bring it about, it would not happen. They believed

Friday 19 November 2010

When Did Jesus Drink The Fourth and Final Passover Cup? The Mystery Truth Revealed

The 4th cup:  WHEN?
When Did Jesus Drink The Fourth and Final Cup of The Passover? This is a question which the Roman Catholic Church has now answered........or has it?

They will point to Jewish Passover (Pesach) tradition to explain things. Indeed the RC will often use traditions, inspired writings of the Fathers etc to interpret the Bible. In fact, Catholics have to trust in these things because they are instructed to NEVER interpret the scriptures privately, because of one isolated verse written by Peter which says "no prophecy was given by private interpretation". This verse (incidentally) was not talking about interpreting the scriptures - it was referring to those who were given the Word by God to put into the inspired scriptures. THEY were the ones who did not write down their interpretations of  what God had given them, but wrote down exactly what God had said, so that we can study what God said first hand.

So, let us consider the above question by looking at what the Bible actually says on the subject and get it into Bible context and not be influenced too much by extra biblical material, which can confuse matters. You may be surprised to know that there is NO MYSTERY regarding the final cup if we look only to the Bible for the answers. The Bible DOES explain it very clearly.

First of all, none of the four gospels mention Jesus drinking wine at the Last Supper (it doesn’t mean He didn’t drink wine – just that it doesn’t mention it). Besides Jesus already stated He would NOT drink again until later on. More on that shortly.

Every gospel account only states that He distributed the wine to the apostles only. It only mentions 2 cups at the table. The second one was taken AFTER supper. Of course just because it only mentions two cups does not necessarily  mean that there were only 2 cups, but it probably means 2 significant cups (at that stage). However,  the point is that we cannot state (as a fact) something which the Bible does not state as fact.

Please note the following statement by Jesus in Matthew 26:29 which is the whole crux of this article and is an indication when the final cup will be drunk:

“I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

There we have it in a nutshell! Jesus declared that He will drink no more wine until He does so in His Father’s Kingdom. Let us compare this, with what Jesus also said during

Sunday 7 November 2010

Why Dominion and Kingdom Now Theology Leads The Church Down The Same Road To Apostasy As Pursued By Rome

Updated  6 Dec 2010 and 20 Jan 2011
If you click on the following shortcut link you will see an older article (which this new article is based upon). However, that older article  List and Details On Other False Teachers and Prophets  needed revision and was edited on 6 Dec 2010 .

Please note:  On 6 Dec 2010  I  finally  completed my own list (after very extensive research of  many weeks)  of false church leaders as per  List Of False Christian Leaders, False Teachers Prophets indicated By The False Organisations They Belong To  This work is not yet completed. There will be subsequent articles which will give sound reasons why they are false, by giving a general history of the faulty organisations they represent. I have now removed my earlier lists (as given by the RR site) because it was too questionable.

Whilst working on this project I had to look at the recent history (behind the scenes) of  how apostasy enveloped the churches within the 20th to 21st Centuries. The aim is to show the apostate organisations and then list the main leaders within these organisations. From that list you would then be able to make decisions on individual leaders based on their associations or the bad company they keep.

The more I have investigated into these things,  the more I realise I am opening a massive can of worms which reveal vast networks closely knitted together within each group and some of these networked groups are attached to the other false organisations . For example,  some of groups within The Restoration Movement and Pentecostal movement have links with the Word Faith organisations.

This is becoming something so large, it is difficult to put together within just one article. It would need a volume of books to explain and prove it sufficiently. However, I will attempt to give as brief  a summary as possible (with helpful links) and try to present it in a very readable way, within maybe just a few articles which will be linked together.

I wanted to know if there was a common ground which linked these false organisations together. I knew that they are all ecumenical and are co-workers with Rome (The Vatican controlled Catholic Church). But then I discovered something more intriguing which links them with Rome. These groups ALL embrace the

Friday 15 October 2010

Qualities Of True Biblical Leadership Compared To the False Teachers

This new article follows on from these previous articles:

Prophetic Ministry In These Last Days. How to Recognise True And False Prophecies

An Exhortation To Pastors or "Good Shepherds"

List and Details On Other False Teachers and Prophets

We are living in days where false teachers and false prophets abound. Jesus said that by their fruits you will know them. Putting these words into the whole context of the passage we will see that the fruit, Jesus was referring to, was unscriptural false teaching but He was pointing out that they were wolves. What are the fruits of a wolf in sheeps clothing? Here are some traits: arrogance, pride, greediness, lies. Maybe, instead of looking at these traits it may be better (as a counter to the false) to consider what makes for a “true” leader or a “good shepherd”

This article will look at the qualifications for leadership as defined in the Bible to help you determine whether a teacher is sound or not.

Before we look at the qualities for Biblical leadership, I need to point out that these are  very different from worldly leadership qualities or criteria. James says that friendship with the world is enmity with God.  Paul tells us that we are not to be conformed to this world (ie the way it thinks and acts) but be transformed (in our minds and hearts) by the renewing of our minds.

In fact, we are in days of being very influenced by “new-age” thinking about leadership. For instance, many books have been written by new-age gurus about leadership skills. However, this article concentrates on revealing God’s Mind on what is required in leadership.

God is looking for spiritually qualified leaders to feed His flock. He is looking for

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Answers To Questions On Why Emerging Church Teaching Should Be Rejected

Originally Posted July 2010, Now Showing as 12 Oct 2010 But Revised and Updated 27 Oct 2010
This article is a supplement to a previous article. Please click on this following shortcut link to read it:

Showing Why The (Experiential) Emerging Church Christianity is Apostate, Pagan, Babylonic and Catholic

You will notice that someone wrote some excellent comments with questions. They asked why was the Emerging church wrong and why it is considered Catholic. I would like to show the dialogue so that all readers can see what the issues are and the answers as to why Brian McLaren's Emerging Church teaching should be rejected. First of all, though, I would also like to give you a link to a video from Roger Oakland of Calvary Chapel. He gives a very powerful message exposing what the Emerging Church really is and its very dark roots   Anyway, here is the dialogue I mentioned above, as follows:

Sunday 10 October 2010

We Are No Longer Under Law But Under Grace! What Does That Really Mean?

Originally Posted 29 Jan 2010 But Revised and  Updated 27 Oct 2010.  Also Important Addition On 20th July 2012 (see bottom of this article for that  addition)

There seems to be a lot of confusion amongst most Christians regarding the verse which quotes "we are no longer under law but under grace".  These words tend to get wrongly quoted to mean that we no longer need rules within the church but should trust our experiences of the Holy Spirit within us, instead. They consider that rules and Law are the same thing and both lead to legalism, which the Christian should avoid. They, therefore say that we should be selective in what we read or how we interpret.

Clearly the scriptures DO teach us that "the letter kills (ie, legalism kills) but the Spirit gives life" (more details on this later)  but rules or instructions about how to be disciples are completely different from legalism or keeping the law. This article will explain what "we are no longer under Law, but under grace" actually means and prove it doesn't mean what a lot of Christians think it means.

The misinterpretation of those verses is the thin end of the wedge leading to a growth of apostasy within the churches because many are now ditching the Word of God in favour of their experiences. This is why I write this article to encourage us all to study the Bible, be Bereans, check these things out and so save ourselves from the slippery road into apostasy. By the way,  I don't reject experiences provided they are scriptural and measure up with the Bible. John told us to "test the spirits to see whether they be of God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1)

I believe the Lord has called me (according to 2 Tim 2:15) to be a workman rightly dividing (handling) the word of truth. Therefore, I will share the real meaning of the text just as God taught me.

Let us first look at the whole context of  “we are no longer under law but under grace” found in Romans 6:14. 

Paul was speaking about the condemnation and hell judgement that the law of Moses brought to us. He said that before the law was given he would not have been aware of his sinful nature and its tendency to yield to temptation, but because the law was given (since the time of Moses) it revealed to him how sinful he was.

Paul goes on to say that the law of life in Christ Jesus sets us free from that law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). So, never again does the judgement, condemnation of the  law hang over us (showing us our sin leading to spiritual death),  because we are living in the grace (unmerited favour, mercy, forgiveness) of God which gives us Spiritual life, release and liberty within us. We are set free from God's judgement and the fear that that brings.

Although, we now have now become transformed within, this does not mean that we do not need to follow guidelines. We still follow guidelines or commandments in the power of the Holy Spirit. We don’t follow the Mosaic law of works in order to receive God’s salvation as it has been already given by GRACE. As our sins have been washed away,  the Holy Spirit now lives in us enabling us to live under the new covenant with ability to submit to God and to His laws of the new covenant.

Paul is referring to what it was like before grace came - before Jesus rescued us from the consequences of the Law.  When Paul talks about the law of sin and death he is talking about the result of trying to obey the Law. The Law highlights to us how sinful we are (whenever we try to be obedient to the Law). It also results in our spiritual death when we fail. So, it is a law that brings about sin and death in us. We cannot (in our own strength) fulfil it. This is why Paul cried out "who will save me from this body of death? Thanks be to Jesus!".

We talk about the laws of physics eg law of gravity. There is a principle (or condition) and a consequence. If you drop a heavy object it will fall. The condition "if you drop a heavy object" and a consequence "it will fall".

So, this could also be read (but means the same thing):
"the condition" of 'disobeying the Law or sinning, gives a "consequence" of death (spiritual death)". However, the "condition" of  being in Christ Jesus brings "consequence" Life (spiritual life). The law of life in Christ Jesus (because of continuous forgiveness and cleansing) through the power of the Holy Spirit, sets me free from 

Sunday 26 September 2010

Why Word Faith Organisation is a Cult and is Detrimental To Your Faith, Mind And Soul

Edited 24 Aug 2011 (see very bottom for the edited section, which includes a link to even better videos)

This article has been written in response to an email I received. This is what this person wrote:

Question:“We pray that we get lots of money, riches etc but didn’t Jesus say that it is very difficult or as good as impossible for a rich man to enter heaven? Will such prayers be answered? Many missionaries promise to offer prayers for our riches etc,  for a minimum donation to them or they say send in a certain amount for a years wellness or prosperity. For that amount they will pray for a years wellness. Is that okay?"

Answer: First, I would like to say that the true Christian Church do not teach such terrible things because they are not taught in the Bible. The Organisation which teach these things are called “Word Faith”.

In answer to your first question: we should never pray for riches. We cannot expect God to say yes to such selfish prayers. Jesus does instruct us that we can include prayer for our daily needs, but mostly our prayer should centre on God's Will and purposes, glorifying and praising Him. Certainly NOT praying for riches.  Jesus said “seek first the kingdom of God ”Matthew 6:33 and “he who loves his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake, will find it” John 12:25 and Matthew 10:38-39.

Jesus is saying