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Showing posts with label Biblical Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biblical Truth. Show all posts

Saturday 25 September 2010

Present Day Israel Is A Nation Of Miracles, Created By God. The Overwhelming Facts!

Originally Posted 13 Sep 2010 but Updated 25 Sep 2010 and 10 Sep 2012.

Edited Section 10 Sep 2012 (in bold)

Please read the following newer link in conjunction with this article as it reinforces that God IS blessing Israel. Click here for:  "Has God Finished With The Jews And The Nation Of Israel?"

Present Day Israel Is A Nation Of Miracles, Created By God. The Overwhelming Facts!

I was given this free booklet for distribution purposes and would like to share it with you. It is truly an amazing book which gives overwhelming facts proving how God's hand is upon the Land Of Israel and the amazing miracles that have happened. The link to this booklet is: 
However, it may be difficult for you to download as it may require registration. So I copy/paste the whole contents here as follows: 

At the bottom of this booklet I have included some videos which also show the miracle of the Land. Here is the amazing recent history of Israel (which includes many fulfilled Bible prophecies concerning the Land) as follows:

What True Biblical Fellowship is and Why It is Vital We Live It, In These Last Days

Originally Posted 5 March 2010
Updated 12 Nov 2010 and 24 Aug 2011 (see bottom of this article)
We are living in days of mass heresy and apostasy. This apostasy with much false teaching, seems to be everywhere with many Christians and church goers caught up in it. They are even ditching the Bible as the  guide and absolute authority in their lives and churches.  Therefore, they are unable to recognise or confront error, when it appears.

These things have even sprung up within (previously considered) sound churches or denominations. Therefore,  it is becoming increasingly difficult to find churches who are still firmly committed in preaching the undiluted Word Of God and living the scriptures. Because these things are so, true biblical fellowship with others (who share the same passion) is extremely difficult to find.

These churches seem far and few between.  However, for the sake of this article let us assume that the church you attend is sound in scriptural teaching and is practicing what scriptures teach. This article is for such a church.

The Body Of Christ And It’s Priorities
“That there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured , all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ and members individually”  1 Cor 12:  25-27.

I have to say that of my 30 years as a Christian I have NEVER discovered a church so interwoven or intertwined with each other, that they are capable of practicing such things.

Friday 24 September 2010

How To Handle False Teaching And Strange, Different Teachings

Old article Posted in Feb 2010 has now been replaced by this new and improved one 24 Sep 2010

Edited 1st Sep 2011 (see last section in bold, for the edited part).

We are living in days of mass deception – especially from within “so called” Christian circles. The Bible instructs us to watch out for false prophets, to be discerning and also ensure that false teaching does not spread like leaven. So how do we determine whether a teaching is heresy, major error, or just simply a minor difference in interpretation? Also, how should we behave, respond when we read or hear what seems like “strange” teachings?

The purpose of this article is to encourage us all to seek the Lord and in so doing we will be better equipped to handle these things and not be drawn to false teaching or teachers who tickle our ears by the things they say, with all sorts of unsound ideas.

Let's first, gets things in the right perspective, though. So let us

Sunday 12 September 2010

Why God Required Animal Blood Sacrifice, In The Bible?

I was asked the following questions:

Why did God forbid the eating of animals, with the blood in them? What does "the life of an animal is in the blood" mean and why did God require animal blood sacrifice?

In researching the answer to these questions, I noticed them being asked many times. I thought you may find it useful to know the answers, so I write this article with the answers. I will also include within the answer the whole implication of animal blood sacrifice and why it was necessary.

God makes it clear throughout Scriptures that it is only by the shedding of blood that sins can be forgiven. So the primary purpose of blood sacrifice is to cover, cleanse and deliver us from sin. This article will now tackle why God holds such importance in the blood, but will first tackle the first question. The title of this article and the above question are BOTH relevant.

To make sense of why blood could not be eaten and why "the life is in the blood" let us firstly read Leviticus 17:10-14:

" 'Any Israelite or any alien living among them who eats any blood—I will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people.  For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life. Therefore I say to the Israelites, "None of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood."   " 'Any Israelite or any alien living among you who hunts any animal or bird that may be eaten must drain out the blood and cover it with earth, because the life of every creature is its blood. That is why I have said to the Israelites, "You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off."

First of all, these verses are saying that neither the Israelites nor those who lived with them could eat the blood of animals. It is not saying they could not  eat the flesh of animals, because they were permitted to eat animals, but not the blood. So why could they not eat the blood? They could not eat the blood  because

Thursday 26 August 2010

Why Jesus Is The ONLY Way To Heaven and How To Be Saved

Edited 31 Oct 2011 and 13 Feb 2012 (see sections in bold)

If you are reading this it is probably because you are either intrigued or you are someone who is serious about getting right with God but maybe do not know why Jesus is the only way? Let me give a fairly brief analysis on why Jesus is the only way to be eternally saved and why He is the only way, through whom we can become worthy and certain of Heaven.

Before I do this let me just say that NO religion in the world can come even remotely close to offering what Jesus offers. Only Christianity claims their messiah and Lord to have risen from the dead and because of this only Jesus can offer us the following:

* sins forgiven eternally
* enabling us to become "born-again" becoming a new person with the characteristics of God
* enabling us to be transformed, washed and cleansed from the inside from all guilt, shame and impurity
* being filled with God's Spirit
* a close intimate relationship with God through His Spirit within us
* the resurrection from the dead
* certainty of going to Heaven
 (after physical death or at the rapture - whatever comes first) receiving new glorified bodies which can always experience constant joy, love, peace, purity, perfection and boundless abilities
* everlasting life in the presence of God eternally

I will now explain why these things are a reality through Jesus! 

Sunday 1 August 2010

My Rapture and End Times Stance

First the sky recedes as a scroll to open the glory
 of heaven:      Revelation 6:12-16
making way for the rapture of believers in a 
twinkling of an eye:   Revelation 7:9

Edited 14th November 2014
Sorry, but I have had to completely revamp this article as it was confusing and contained many errors. I now have a much clearer understanding of the rapture, so have rewritten most of it, today.

Please also measure this article in relation to a newer article on this subject:

The purpose of this blog is (as has already been described on my introduction) to inform and edify believers regarding current watchman issues and not get caught up in speculating on what may or may not happen in the future re your interpretation of biblical eschatology (end times teachings).

If prophecies are being fulfilled in front of our own eyes and events are affecting us (here and now) in the present, then this blog may well inform about it and tackle the issues. However, I will not get into debates trying to uphold my own personal stance (which I believe is the one which makes most sense according to the scriptures) because I believe it is fruitless for 3 major reasons:

1) the scriptures teach us to focus on what we should be doing "now" and not on "vain speculations"

2) these discussions produce strife and heated arguments. Paul told Timothy that God's servant should not be like that

3) I need to guard the time (that God gives me) to be focussed on the purpose of this blog, not get sidetracked by long discussions "proving" my point on subjects not so vital for our Christian lives NOW.

Though this blog will mention eschatology occasionally at times because an article may need to refer to it, it does not intend to get into debate over THAT issue but try to stick to the point of the article in question. Paul told Timothy that leaders should not get caught up in controversial teachings.

Yes, this blog will definitely contend for the faith over vital teachings but some teachings are not so vital and it certainly should not interfere with our unity. My stance is always "let's focus on preaching the good news, imploring people to be reconciled to Christ, rather than getting too caught up in the peripherals".

Our response should be the same whether pre tribulation, mid or post etc, is to be ready and doing the work of the kingdom (preaching the gospel, discipling, worshipping, watching and praying, exposing heresy of fundamental truth, upholding the Bible as the inspired Word of God, being obedient to God and living holy lives dedicated to Jesus).

The main teaching which is applicable to every Christian and is fundamental to our faith is that Jesus WILL return and deliver us all from evil once and for all time to live in His glorious kingdom forever. Hallelujah!!! However, having said all these things, I will (on this post only) give you my present stance on the Rapture and End Times and Why (so that you will not need to wonder where I stand on it) which is:

Saturday 24 July 2010

What The Olive Tree of Romans11 Represents and How it Speaks of God's Plan For Israel and the Church

One of my hobbies is growing things in the garden. Although I am not an expert on grafting I happen to know that you can graft in a broken branch, shoot or twig from the same tree or bush. So what Paul wrote in Romans chapter 11 makes perfect sense! The scriptures do not teach nonsense unless it is an allegory like "beast with 7 heads" in that case an explanation to the meaning will be given. I believe that unless an explanation is given (eg the parables of Jesus) it is to be taken literally, but with some God given sanctified common sense.

For example,  Romans 11 verse 17 would not make sense to interpret the verse to say that a whole wild olive tree is grafted into the cultivated olive tree, because two trees have separate roots as separate entities (especially when we consider verse 24). Can you take the roots of two trees and make them become one tree?   Romans 11  describes and discusses two separate trees: a cultivated olive tree and a wild olive tree. It clearly states that the natural "branches" (not root or whole tree) were cut off to make way for wild (gentile) branches.

In Romans 11  verse 17 (KJV) it states "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree". Some suggest because it mentions "tree" here and not "branch" that it is the whole olive tree.

Just because KJV and verse 17 states "tree" (incidentally verse 24 infers branch) it does not mean that the whole tree is grafted in.  The whole wild tree is made up of all gentiles. The believing gentiles make up the part of the tree that gets grafted into the cultivated tree. Verse 24 is the key (quoted shortly). So it must be referring to  

Thursday 22 July 2010

Would Fundamental Biblical Christians Have Crucified Jesus Too? (Hypothetically Speaking)

There is a BIG subtle (but very poisonous) lie being propagated by many "christian" leaders in order to "scare" Christians into being more open-minded and open-hearted than they should be, encouraging them to reach out more for experiences and not be too focused on the Bible. The lie to scare christians, is that those who are too focussed on the Bible (religious as they put it) or too zealous with "truth" ie "contending for the faith"  would be the very ones to crucify Jesus also if they lived at the same time of Jesus (hypothetically speaking).

They say that we are like the religious Jews who killed Jesus. They say that the scribes and Pharisees were too rigid in the scriptures that they were unable to accept Messiah when He came, so if we get too "religious" we too would have done the same thing. What utter nonsense! They couldn't recognise Messiah because they couldn't see "the forest for the trees". 

What I mean is that the Religious leaders were so caught up in scriptural commentaries (like the talmud, Midrash etc) and traditions of men, oral Law and rabbinical teachers (gurus?) etc that they were blind to the obvious references to the Messiah directly from the Tenach (Old testament). They were so caught up in these things that they (actually) did not directly know the Scriptures. Therefore, they were biassed towards expecting a specific messiah after their own imaginations. In fact their hearts became increasingly hardened towards Jesus because (as Jesus put it) they were wicked "of their father the devil" and stiff-necked, hardened hearts.

If they checked the scriptures  

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Flotilla Illustrates An Actual Global Conspiracy Against God And His Purposes

The Bible teaches that God has a special place in His heart for the Jewish people and Israel (despite their sins). God calls them the apple of His eye (Deut 32:10 and Zech 2:8). The Old Testament (and New Testament) are full of teachings, prophecies and practices which show God's amazing love and mercy for His chosen people. Of course it doesn't mean that the Nation of Israel is saved spiritually yet as it is only through Jesus that our sins can be forgiven. John Chapter 1 says that "to all who received Him He gave the power to become the children of God". So all who receive Jesus are Children of God, but God DOES have special promises for Israel and they WILL (as a Nation) choose Jesus again. For this reason He has preserved them as a people for the last 2000 years and now restored as a Nation for the last 62 years. Jesus said that they would not see Him again (second coming) until they say "blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord". Jesus will return only when they (as a Nation) corporately call out for Jesus with those words "blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord".

Because the whole World (and Governments) are under the control of the evil one, it is not surprising that there are satanic agenda's to seek to destroy those God has SPECIALLY chosen. If you look through the scriptures you will see many instances of satan influencing National and World leaders to destroy God's work. Pharoah when Moses was born, Herod when Jesus was born,  are two examples. The enemy knows that Jesus will not return until the Nation calls out to Jesus, so he wants to anihilate them totally so that Jesus will NOT return. Of course the enemy will fail and God's purposes will be fulfilled, but woe to those who join up with satan in assisting those who seek Israel's destruction. Those who oppose Israel will be seen to be opposing the God of Israel. THIS IS AN EXTREMELY SERIOUS THING TO DO!!! God will allow the Nations to come against Israel to fulfill His purposes of the Nation's repentance (for Israel to call out for Jesus) but you will not want to be active/part of those who seek Israel's demise in word or deed. As the scriptures teach "Those who bless Israel will be blessed, those who curse shall be cursed".

I would like to refer you to Bob Mitchell's blog website regarding the Gaza Flotilla episode and how it shows the agenda for the World to rise against Israel (totally unfairly and illogically with much deception and lies). Specifically please look at these articles from Bob.

Friday 14 May 2010

Why True Believers Are Eternally Secure In Their Salvation

Edited 19 Sep 2012
After this article was written, I found another excellent article (possibly even better) written by the hand of Harry Ironside. Please read this new link first together with the following content. Please click here to read "Eternal Security of the Believer".

Here is an excellent article by Michael J. Penfold of (See also listed in "my links")  which explains clearly what happens when a person is truly born-again and why scripturally and logically the believer can not lose their salvation.. But it would be good to get things into context first by reading my post entitled What Is Repentance? found within this link  Anyway, this is what Michael Penfold wrote:

Arriving at a clear understanding of the true nature of salvation represents the first step in settling the question of eternal security. The Bible clearly teaches that at the very moment of genuine repentance and saving faith a sinner is:  Converted - turned around (Acts 3:19),       Reconciled - made at peace (2 Cor 5:19),       Sanctified - set apart for God (1 Cor 1:2),       Regenerated - given new life (1 Pet 1:23),     Redeemed - purchased or bought back (1 Pet 1:18),      Adopted - placed in God’s family as a son (Rom 8:15) and        Justified - declared righteous by God (Rom 3:28, 2 Cor 5:21).

Furthermore the repentant sinner is sealed with, indwelt by, baptised in and anointed with the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:13, John 14:17, 1 Cor 12:13, 1 John 2:27). He receives eternal life (John 3:36) and because he is now ‘in Christ’, he is

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Are The Global Leaders Nephilim?

I was asked the question whether I thought the global leaders were Nephilim. This question was asked on my post Who Runs The World? An Investigation Into The Global Scheme Of Things. Completed Report (Revised) on
I have decided to copy/paste my comments (from there) into this post. I think it would be better to continue the chat here:
As an introduction to the comments I would like to first give a brief answer here:

There seem to be a lot of organisations jumping onto the bandwagon of the Nephilim. Whilst I was putting my report together I noticed David Icke (new age alien conspiracist) was leading a lot of people towards the idea that the World leaders were all from the Nephilim/Alien/dinosaur seed. As New Ageists like David Icke and other weird groups are preaching this, we should be very wary.  There are also many watchman who endorse Chuck Missler (because he is very insightful on many topics) but I have reservations because he also puts forward the Nephilim "mixed seed" teaching.

The reason I have reservations on the Nephilim seed topic is because of these questions: "is it important and is it helpful to know?", "how will it change our witness, faith and service to the Lord to know whether it is true or not?", "if it is satanic teaching, could it harm christians to get caught up in this whole thinking?", "is it mere speculation?". Note: scripture teaches us that we should not build doctrines (or conspiracy theories or systematic theology) just on mere speculations on a few isolated verses.

I take the position that if the scripture gives a clear message (on a specific subject) then we need to take it seriously. Of course we should take the WHOLE of the Bible seriously because all scripture is inspired by God. However, if a few isolated verses in scripture (difficult to understand on their own) speaks on a subject shrouded in mystery (because very little is spoken on it) then it is probably NOT vital for our salvation, faith and conduct and is certainly not enough to build a conspiracy theory on.  Also I take the stand that we should NEVER make a doctrine or presumption based on a few isolated verses of scripture if

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Who Runs The World? An Investigation Into The Global Scheme Of Things. Completed Report (Revised)




This report (having been in transition previously) is now finished as follows.

I have been inspired to write this article after a comment made by Someone on Bob Mitchell's blogsite. Basically they were concerned about the activities of a group called Common Purpose which are growing very rapidly and seem to be behind the scenes pushing for the EU takeover of Britain. I guess I was intrigued because of the name. Another one with "purpose" in the title. Also because I wondered if they were another Vatican (or should we say Illuminati) puppet. All part of the scheme of things?

This report has taken a long time to put together. It comes through much research of all inter-relating information and evidence and the concern  to present  the facts, with the strong desire for truth. I have also compared these findings with prophecies in the Word Of God and the Bible’s general teaching, so that I know what things should or should not be said.

As this is such a serious post I HAVE to be thorough. I also want to write things which Christians can use in their witness and be encouraged, so I have to be careful to edify, ie not just give information (which could be detrimental for believers) but also accompanied by encouraging words.
So who is running the World? My full report.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Who Runs The World? An Investigation Into The Global Scheme Of Things

This report is now complete. I have removed the contents (which were here) and transfered the whole report to the next post dated 20 April 2010. This shortcut link will take you there:

Who Runs The World? An Investigation Into The Global Scheme Of Things. Completed Report (Revised)

However, the comments (which were on this post) still remain.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

The GIANT Global Conspiracy and the Scheme Of Things, Who Is In Control?

Who is running the World? Is it satan, man or God? Please read my completed report of 20 Apr 2010 by clicking on this shortcut  Who Runs The World? An Investigation Into The Global Scheme Of Things. Completed Report  

Consider the great empires of the past: The Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman. British. Do any of these still exist? Kingdoms come and Kingdoms go. Then there are religious dominations like the Catholic church during the dark ages. Were the Catholic church totally in control when the reformation was born and afterwards?

The fact is that (as Jesus said to Pontius Pilate) they are only in authority or have controlling capacities because the Lord has given it to them. It could be taken away in an instance. The fact is that the Lord and His true church reign forever! A kingdom that cannot be shaken! God is in ultimate control, even though He may allow satan to control the Earth (relatively speaking) for a period of time.

God can at a moment destroy the plans of those who are trying to manipulate everything behind the scenes.

Monday 22 March 2010

An Exhortation To Pastors or "Good Shepherds"

Updated 15 Oct 2010 and 12 Dec 2010 and 3rd August 2012

Please refer to a new article posted on 3rd August 2012 Pastors: Should We ONLY Preach The Gospel and Nothing Else?

I have also added an article on 15 Oct 2010 which supplements this article. After reading this article please check out the new article on this shortcut link by clicking:  Qualities Of True Biblical Leadership Compared To the False Teachers  

The teaching about the Good Shepherd
I write an article exhorting Pastors and Leaders  to rise up in these Last Days to protect our churches and individuals from the wolves and hirelings of our day. Jesus spoke about 

Friday 19 March 2010

Clearing The Tables Of The Money Changers

I was inspired by a comment made by  "Wary" to my post within this shortcut link:  Why You cannot Trust Any Preacher Who Has Ecumenical Connections   to write this article.
It is drawing the comparison with the money changers in the temple that Jesus drove out with the way bibles and Christianity is being marketed today. What was Jesus reaction? He was furious! At no other time did He show such fury during His 33 years as a man, so it must be important to note why. Why was Jesus so angry? Let's look:

Thursday 4 March 2010

How To Be Truly Saved and Be Certain Of Going To Heaven

Edited 31 Oct 2011 (see edited section in bold below)

I am so happy that you are reading this article. I guess that means that you are either a believer who is curious about what I have to say about the subject or hopefully someone who is serious about getting right with God.

First of all, the reason Jesus came into the world was to rescue humanity from the destination of an eternity separated from its creator. You see, God made humanity perfect at the beginning and designed to live forever in eternal bliss on Earth. However, after the first humans disobeyed God, a separation from God began. Man can only live eternally if in close unity with God.

Because of disobedience (sin) spiritual death occurred and the impact of that was the sudden commencement of a decay in our bodies ie physical death became a reality (the commencement of cells dying within the body). From that time all mankind inherited a sinful (imperfect, self-centred) nature with the tendency to do wrong things because of the sinful nature deep within our souls. This is why everyone is SELF-centred (to a lesser or greater extent) at their very heart.

Adam and Eve were tempted to become like God, to know good from evil. What actually happened after their disobedience is that they only knew evil and NOT good. They became gods sure enough (gods of their own life - self-important and self-centred, ie self on the throne of their lives) becoming fully corrupt having fallen a long way from where they were.

God cannot look on sin, but He loves us so much that He wants to rescue us from the consequences of sin and spiritual death. The penalty or wages for sin is death - we HAVE to die. But God does not want us to die, so Jesus took our place. When Jesus died on the cross, He was punished by God for all our sins. He also took upon Himself all the consequences of our sinful nature and died as a sacrifice for ALL our sins once and for all time. This means that we can (again) have a close intimate relationship with God because the blood of Jesus has cleansed us from sins once and for all. Because we are clean, He can live within us through the Holy Spirit.

However, not everyone can benefit from this "grace" unmerited favour of God without doing anything. There is a condition (as follows)!!!

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Babylonic , satanic Roots Of Psychology and Philosophy

Philosophy and psychology are at its very root satanic and developed out of Babylon.

It is very interesting to see how the great philosophers or so called brilliant “thinkers” very often are actually a confused set of people who seem to make compexity out of very simple things. They become so confused in their minds but (through a complicated way of explaining things) try to convince the hearers that they have an insight into things. It is interesting that satan has always aimed to confuse our thinking and get our thinking hostile towards God.

Babel means "confusion". So they introduce intelligent sounding ideas, which if properly analysed would be seen to be nonsense. For example "do I really exist", "is this pen really blue or am I preconditioned to think it is" To me all very mumbo jumbo and meaningless discussion.

At the very beginning satan tried to distort the truth of God and destroy what God had made. Jesus said that the “thief (satan) comes to steal, kill & destroy”.

Satan always uses these tactics "Did God really say" and “God knows that if you do this your eyes will be opened and you will be LIKE GOD”. This is what philosophy and psychology use and they culminated straight out of Babylonic religion which was a religion set up to oppose God.

In other words philosophy is very often, questioning the truth that God has made real to us. It is always raising questions but never able to give real answers. This has been the tactic of satan from the very beginning, to get man to question truth. "These people with itching ears accumulate teachers to their own liking and will turn aside to myths" 2 Tim 4: 3-4    "always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth"  2 Tim 3: 7.

There is a history behind philosophy and psychology which goes all the way back to  

How To Handle Strange or Different Teachings With Right Perspective

We are living in days of mass deception – especially from within “so called” Christian circles. The Bible instructs us to watch out for false prophets, to be discerning and also ensure that false teaching does not spread like leaven. So how do we determine whether a teaching is heresy, major error, or just simply a minor difference in interpretation? Also, how should we behave, respond when we read or hear what seems like “strange” teachings?

The purpose of this article is to encourage us all to seek the Lord and in so doing we will be better equipped to handle these things and not be drawn to false teaching or teachers who tickle our ears by the things they say,
with all sorts of unsound ideas.

Let's first, gets things in the right perspective, though. So let us

Friday 19 February 2010

Why We Should Trust The Bible As True and Inspired Part 1

The purpose of this post is for those who want to know why the bible can be fully trusted as the inspired Word of God. It sets out to prove it is The Word of God and therefore should be trusted when it talks about mankind's need for salvation from a corrupt sinful nature and that salvation can be found through the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This post has now been replaced on 5 Sep 2010 by this improved article. Please click this following link to take you there.
How The Bible Was Put Together and Proving Why It IS The Inspired Inerrant Word Of God