My Statement Of Faith

Sunday 1 April 2012

The Rising Of The New Inquisition. Joels (Locust) Army

Joels Locust Army

This blog has shown how the Evangelical Protestant church, which had always been centred on Biblical Christianity, has now been hijacked during the late 20th century by the Vatican through Catholic and Jesuit infiltration.

The links to those articles which discuss these things, can be found at the bottom of this article.

This blog has shown how the increase in momentum  of this infiltration seemed to coincide completely with the emergence of Israel as a Nation again. Very interesting is how replacement theology took centre stage from 1948 onwards - same year that Israel became a Nation again after almost 2000 years. I do not believe that that was a coincidence but as a response in opposition to the new nation. Possibly because the Vatican felt threatened in some way.  Israel being a Nation again especially flies in opposition to the Catholic Church's dominionistic agenda.

Anyway, so infiltration began via Latter Rain, Word of Faith and now through emerging church and New Calvinism. They are all reading from the same handbook which leads to the belief of a super church emerging through the belief that this super race can all become Jesus on Earth by becoming little gods. We are witnessing a joining together of all these groups into a united mission to take conquest for Christ globally.

My blog has shown how these groups have arisen and how the Vatican is behind it all in its Vatican II ecumenical mandate to bring all groups under submission to the Pope. 

Added section on 11 Dec 2014 (in blue)
To showcase this, here is another article written in Nov 2014: 

Rick Warren and Word of Faith's Full Apostasy Is Complete. Mystery Babylon Is Taking Even Greater Shape Before Our Eyes

This article will now show how a new Vatican Inquisition is starting to take shape through the Latter Rain's (aka New Apostolic Reformation) Manifest Sons of God, now known as JOELS ARMY and their NEW BREED. Effectively, this Joel's Army has all the same hallmarks that we saw with the Spanish Inquisition. Just as Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes "there is nothing new under the sun". The same tactics are used over and again at opportune moments in history.

I can do no better than show the following video which tells you everything you need to know about this very dangerous development within evangelical Christianity. Please do not be put off by the length of the video (2 hours) it is very watchable. I couldn't stop watching - it really got my attention. We ALL need to be aware of this very dangerous movement and  contend earnestly against it.

Here it is:

This video shows that the Latter Rain and its Joels Army focusses on the Bible's Book of Joel Chapter 1 and 2 which talks about the locusts. Anyone who reads those chapters honestly will see that it CANNOT be talking about the Christian church.  The book of Joel discusses the locusts as an ENEMY to the people of God. How on Earth do Latter Rain twist those chapters so violently and read things into the text that definitely are NOT there? Do they liken themselves as the enemies of God's kingdom? No they don't BUT the passages say that the locusts are exactly that. wooooow, I have never seen just decimation of scripture verses before.

As promised here are links to other articles in relation to this article. See below. 
Why Dominion and Kingdom Now Theology Leads The Church Down The Same Road To Apostasy As Pursued By Rome

1 comment:

  1. Hi John,

    Yes this video is long, I have already watched it before you posted this..but as you say, very interesting and quite frightening! I encourage folk who see this to PLEASE watch it!!

    God bless.


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