My Statement Of Faith

Monday 28 February 2011

British Government Supports Homosexual Lifestyle ABOVE Christians

Please check out this shortcut link which is a news report from BBC internet news: This is the heading

Court backs decision to bar Christian foster couple

The story goes on to say that the judges considered that laws to protect homosexuals from discrimination should take precedent over Christians rights of the same protection. So in UK, Christians are being treated as inferior to homosexuals regarding their rights.

 I encourage us all to pray for God's intervention and protection of His children throughout the Earth. Christians are NOW being persecuted (in one way or another) throughout the whole Earth. All I can say is MARANATHA. Come Lord Jesus! Please intervene by your return and bring in your Lordship Millennial reign, as this world is falling apart into greater and greater sin.

Britain (like most Western Nations) is falling further and further into moral decay and thereby becoming ripe for God's judgement. Remember how God judged Sodom and Gomorrah and the wickedness at the time of Noah? 

God NEVER changes and His standards of holiness and righteousness NEVER change. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. However, we are living in days when man thinks he is God and can change laws to suit his corrupt views of life. He thinks he knows better than God and that his ways are better, so he changes laws to fit the opinions of man which are considered better than God. Actually, he is building up judgement against Himself every time he rejects any of God's laws and replaces it with humanistic laws. What arrogance for mankind to think it knows better than God!

We should always remember what the psalmist said
"as far as the heavens are above the earth, so are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above yours, says the Lord".  What we are actually seeing is a world influenced by the evil one to try to overthrow God. 

As Psalm 2:1-2 says:
"Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One"

The Book of Revelation tells us how God WILL judge the nations because of its rebellion towards God.

I implore all those who are unsaved to repent, turn to God (before its too late) and receive Jesus as your Saviour for the forgiveness of sins, so that you can be eternally saved.

1 comment:

  1. This story follows fast on the heels of a recent case of discrimination against a Christian Couple who owned a guest house. That couple (who rent out their living accommodation) hired out rooms, but insisted on certain rules upheld. They did not want to encourage or entertain extra marital or homosexual sex within their own house. They were happy to offer single rooms to those unmarried but not a double bed for the unmarried.

    The homosexual couple took the owners to Court resulting in hefty fines (from memory I believe £3000 to each partner). It is believed that the homosexual community deliberately "set up" the owners taking opportunity over discrimination laws to make easy money.

    This is how corrupt our society is becoming and how Christians are being persecuted. That episode is like the thin end of the wedge of abusing the law for financial gain at the expense of those who are trying to live Godly and holy lives within their own houses.


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